Hi La Femme Fit-alle readers! First I want to say “Thank you!” to Miss L for inviting me over to guest post again. When she emailed me asking if I would guest post I was thrilled.
Then I realized that as a recent couch potato, I’d have to think of something to write about on a health and fitness blog! Let me start out by saying that I was not always this way. I did several sports in high school, and in college I worked as a manager at a major retail chain which had me on my feet, running all over, 40+ hours a week. I think I stayed skinny in law school via a mix of all night dance-a-thons and stress. It was not at all a healthy weight or method of weight loss, and doctors often told me that. It was also unintentional. When I would get stressed out, I would simply forget to do important tasks. One of those was eating. I graduated from law school in 2010 at about the same weight as I was in high school – 105.
Fast-forward a year, and a 25th (OK, and 26th) birthday later, and I’m finally feeling the pain of that slower metabolism everyone is talking about. Not only that, my desk job has rid my life of any and all unintentional exercise that might take place. The furthest I have to walk in a day is from our office elevator to the Starbucks inside of our building. If something needs to be moved, carried or brought to me, I call a runner. If something needs my signature, my secretary brings it to me.
Law school graduation, apparently practicing for a life of laziness behind a desk. |
I am sure you can imagine the end result of that. Weight gain. I am now up to 120 pounds and to say I am out of shape would be a serious understatement.
You may be wondering what finally got my attention. Was it my tighter pants? Was it the scale haunting me every time I walked into my bathroom? Was it a co-worker telling me it looked like I had a baby bump (true story)? No (although the last one did make me cry).
It was Black Friday shopping. I spent the Thanksgiving holiday with my boyfriend’s family in Denver, CO. His family has a tradition of Black Friday shopping on Thanksgiving night. I was completely unaware of this tradition and did not find out about it until the moment I saw they were hoarding newspapers and mapping out the shopping plan based on an array of advertisements.
All I had packed in the way of shoes were a pair of Bearpaws and a pair of Report booties. Who needs arch support when all I do is sit on my butt??? Let me tell you, there was no sitting that night! We started at 7:30, and drove 45 minutes to an outlet mall that was already crawling with people. In fact, some stores that were scheduled to open at 9:00 p.m. just decided to open early because there were so many people crowded at their doors.
Now, let me clarify here, readers. This girl can shop. I can spend money exponentially faster than I can make it. I can find treasure in a outlet mall like a pirate looking for gold.
But Black Friday? I wanted to throw in the towel. I wanted to SIT. I was constantly on the hunt for a chair or bench when no one was looking. But no one would let me throw in that towel and we shopped until TWO IN THE MORNING. I wanted to cry. I was out-shopped by my boyfriend’s parents, brother and his partner. Out-shopped by a group of MEN!
Because they all had an advantage. They all work out or stay active somehow. Not me. At least, not then. It got my attention.
The Boyfriend is on a different intramural team all year long. This is him playing his third softball game of the week that he wouldn’t even miss when I came to visit one weekend. |
It mostly got my attention because I woke up Friday morning sore from head to toe. It was like my body wanted to make sure there was no chance that I would move on from that night of tired feet, pained legs and exhausted body and go on with my life like it never happened. My calves were sore for two days. I realized then that something was wrong. I could not keep doing what I was doing. Now that I’m 26, the weight really isn’t going to fall off like it did before. And the longer I remain stationary all day, the longer it will take to get my muscles toned and in shape again.
So I decided enough was enough. I am getting back on track. I am trying to be more aware of how active (or inactive) I am being. I have started taking the stairs and saying “no whip” on my Starbucks if I absolutely have to have one. I have started doing sit-ups on my living room floor while I watch TV.
So I decided enough was enough. I am getting back on track. I am trying to be more aware of how active (or inactive) I am being. I have started taking the stairs and saying “no whip” on my Starbucks if I absolutely have to have one. I have started doing sit-ups on my living room floor while I watch TV.
I am also trying to be more aware of what, and how much I am eating. I used to only ever eat until I was full, and then move on. Working at a desk all day is somehow really conducive to eating, and eating and eating. I have started substituting ingredients in my food (adding veggies, or buying non-fat creamer for my coffee). I have also started asking myself “Are you bored, or are you hungry?” when I’m standing in front of my fridge or cupboard, bemoaning how there is nothing to eat.
and stopping ridiculous habits like drinking all of the champagne I can get my hands on at friends’ weddings. |
They are only baby steps, but I am hoping that they are the beginning to getting back to a healthy lifestyle. My next step is to make use of the fabulous gyms in my apartment complex, starting off with some of L’s tips in this blog.
For those of you who, like me, have been couch potatoes for too long, I just wanted to tell you to not get discouraged! I am busy and I have a habit of wanting to do everything 110% - leading to burn out in about a week. I am trying to do this healthy-thing right. I don’t have a lot of tips or tricks on this journey yet. I have never run a marathon like several of my work-friends just did this month. But I care about my health. You can get into shape and stay healthy. If Crossfit or marathon training or an hour on the elliptical sound like torture, then stop thinking about them! Instead, take it all one step at a time. Twenty minutes of exercise is better than zero. And, from what everyone says, we’ll both be craving a full workout before we know it! If you are a work-out nut like the lovely Miss L, keep up the good work! I am likely totally jealous.
I hope you guys had a great holiday season, and were able to shop a lot longer than I did until you dropped!
I just love that first picture of you, B! =) Thanks again for the post.